• All of Brown Box’s shows are general seating and work on a first come, first served basis. Currently Brown Box does not give any special treatment to specific audience members.
  • Press is given priority seating. Any members of the press can contact Brown Box with a day they would like to come to our productions, and we will provide a press packet, fulfill interview requests, and reserve prime seating at the selected performance. 
  • We commit to expand our opening night invitations to include new and upcoming BIPOC reviewers. 
  • Brown Box’s Marketing and PR personnel contact information is included on the company contact sheets to establish a direct line of communication between marketing and creative teams. This direct line of communication allows BIPOC artists to express their concerns over their portrayal in marketing materials. BIPOC marketers will also be given contact information for the producers and creative teams to allow them to express their concerns with production content and portrayal. An anonymous reporting form as well as the EDI Official & Cast/Crew Deputy are available as alternative routes of reporting/expression if preferred.