• Build a yearly anonymous review system of all administrative staff and monthly anonymous feedback opportunities, encouraging all staff to express their opinions.
  • Build in a time buffer between major decisions and their execution so that anonymous concern can be brought to the attention of Executive Staff in any case that retrospective analysis, fear of retribution, or the burden of being “the only one” prevented open expression during initial discussions.
  • Brown Box has never received a Diversity Grant. 
  • Brown Box has always valued and paid artists for their time and work to the greatest extent possible by our budget. We will always pay our artists and workers for their time and expertise.
  • Brown Box will no longer have any interns. Since Brown Box does not have staff (only freelance administrators), none of whom are full time employees or paid a salary, anyone working for Brown Box administratively will have a title, be paid in accordance to our payment standards and will be subject to the benefits and policies of all freelance personnel hired by the organization. 
  • Additionally, Brown Box has committed to creating structural opportunities for dissent within meetings. Creating a dedicated space and time for constructive feedback encourages conversation, rather than relying on individual bravery in raising a contradictory opinion.